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  1. Collapse Details
    My First Real Trash Talking of the season..
    So you find yourself standing on the top step one race into the 2011 season, racing in our sport’s premier Organization no less.
    good for you. But if I recall at the end of the season last year you were forced to watch a slower motor Michigan team shower
    themselves in champagne; delicious championship winning champagne that would make a drunk driver purr like a walrus, right
    before he wraps the El Camino around that school bus full of Nuns.

    You may be asking were this guy going, whats the story.. were do we go from here, whats going on; well sit back and let me tell you.
    Winning the first race of the
    year was a mistake. Yup, I said it.. (gasp you say) how could a win ever be a mistake Rick? Well I’ll answer that just keep

    Now that the series has moved to the Motor City you will see the big boys come out to play and unfortunately you will be forced to
    the back of the pack at St Clair and Port Huron? Just like the ugly child at an orphanage during the line-up for prospective parents.
    But don’t you worry, little buddy, someone will find a way to love that cleft lip and that growth on your back some day.

    You may be saying “Hey Rick, they drove down to Florida and won.” Have some goddamn empathy, you savage bastard and
    just chill the F’ out. Sorry, I'm just telling you like it is, But let me try and explain this a little better.

    As with any kid on the short bus, people are happy with what they have when they haven’t known the feeling of flying ever so much
    closer to the sun. If I’m hungry and you give me a cracker I’ll spit it in your face and tell you to go f-uck yourself, but give a
    Somalian kid a cracker and you have just become his beloved master for life. But if you start giving that kid things like bread, milk,
    steak, and so on, guess what he’s going to do when you give him a cracker again? He will revolt, spit it in your face, and tell you
    to go f-uck yourself.

    So what could be worse than winning the first race of the year? winning the first race than batting a big fat zero for the rest of the
    season. So those of you who say "Is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all? nope, obviously not.... sorry
    try again.

    So while everyone else is out there saying “He won the first race of the year, he will win again” I understand your misguided east
    coast logic and from this point on out you will be watching others take that checkered flag home from a few boats back. So while
    the Michigan teams have there championship party in the pits you will be stuck with a 3rd or 4th place finish and a $10
    non-transferable Starbucks gift card.

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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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  3. Collapse Details
    Rick way to much time on your hands.
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  4. Collapse Details
    Thats my driver im so proud.
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