Ok so this depicks the intellegence of the people I work with. This so blows away Andy's Pancreas story. The fat guy at work that I don't particularly care for was telling us how his little brother is such an Idiot and knocked another woman up and has no job. ( this might explain why his family is democrats) He was telling us that they are nothing alike and that their genes are different.
I said " oh I thought your parents have been together for like 50 years" his reply
" we'll yes but my dad had a full blood transfusion and thats why our genes are different"

We of course after laughing our a$$es off told him that that was in no way possible. He says that what his mom with a 4th grade education told them. Geez I think mom is smarter than they give her credit for.

I swear I did not make this up, you guys know I'm nowhere near that creative